Bitscope 300 Kit () | Checkout Now |
Product InformationThis complete kit is the same design same as our standard BitScope 300 and is probably the most advanced digital oscilloscope and logic analyzer available in kit form. While the design is sophisticated, we have kept construction simple by using through hole PCB technology for the mainboard, pre-built surface mount modules where required and replaced some hard to use SMT parts with DIP substitutes. The schematic package and PC Software are available for download free of charge. The kit includes a host port configured for 115 kb/s RS-232 operation but is compatible with the 625 kb/s BitScope Network Adaptor (BNA-01) and 1.25 Mb/s USB Adaptor (BNA-03) options. Power supply UPP-02 and analog and logic probes are available if you need them (BK300S is compatible with standard scope probes and simply uses a 12 VDC @ 500 mA power supply). To reduce the cost and shipping weight, the case (BP3-02) is not supplied with this kit. You can build your own, install BitScope in a empty PC hard disk bay or purchase ours here. The kit is supplied with TLC071 and TLC072 OP-AMPs for the input stages (U23, U24 and U25) which are the fastest DIP package J-FET OP-AMPs available, as substitutes for the expensive and difficult to use but higher bandwidth SMT AD8085 and AD8086 modules in BS300S. J-FET OP-AMPs are preferred to eliminate small input offsets that can arise using bi-polar OP-AMPs but if higher bandwidth is more important than a small offset (around 100 mV) you can substitute bipolar equivalents MAX477 or AD8055/AD8056 which are 300 MHz devices. |
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